CPD Certified Training Course
Upon Completion, our half-day CPD accredited training courses enable delegates from employers to screen for Visual Stress within the workplace. It gives individuals the opportunity to learn about Visual Stress, how to successfully screen for it and how to make the most effective recommendations for resources based on employee job profiles and their mandatory duties
What it entails
- We will take you through the history and science of Visual Stress.
- Symptoms of Visual Stress, and what to look out for.
- How to spot signs of Visual Stress.
- How to efficiently screen individuals (10-15 minute screenings commonplace).
- How to make the most effective recommendations for resources that will alleviate individuals symptoms, enabling them to perform to their maximum potential.
- All attendees leave with a Visual Stress Assessment Pack and CPD Accreditation Certificate.
Booking a training course:
We offer two options for training courses:
- Book onto the monthly training course we run at our base in Stafford, where you will join up with delegates from other organisations.
- Or have one of our trainers travel to your place of work (minimum of 6 delegates required).
For enquires, please call 01785 782 950 and ask to speak with the Visual Stress training team or email us at support@visualstresssolutions.com
Specific one to one assessments:
For information on how we can complete specific one to one assessments for your staff please call 01785 782950 and ask to speak with the Visual Stress training team or email us on support@visualstresssolutions.com